Anton Wolkov Apps

Condi 0.3.5-beta3
Anton Wolkov
☆* to report bugs, go to the main menu - andselect "Bug Report" *☆Make your device perform common tasks based on time, location orother triggers, without having to read through guides.Get your friends to help by sharing tasks, using simple links.No social network or account registration required.There are plenty of things you do all the time, that can beautomated. You silence your phone during class or on a meeting. Youturn on a navigation app when driving. You start playing music whenyou plug the headphones in. We let you program your device to doall that and more.Other apps upload your data online, track you for profit, orjust have weird limitation to get you buy the premium. We don't.It's a spare time project for us. No agenda here.Here are some of the actions you can perform:* Set the volume (mute, vibrate etc.)* Launch or terminate* other apps* Control the music player* Set up a notification* Send or forward SMS messages* Control Wi-Fi, Background Sync, Mobile Data, Airplane*, GPS*,Bluetooth, NFC* Adjust screen brightness* Screen orientation lock* Silence unwanted callsThese can be performed when specific conditions are met; hereare some you can pick from:* Location - Click on the map to select a place, zoom to change theradius.* Daily Time Range* Calendar Event - match to specific events with keywords in thetitle/description/location.* App Launched - create a shortcut for an app on the homescreen* Activity Recognition - use accelerometer to detect driving,walking, cycling, or idling.* Wi-Fi / Headset / Charger / HDMI connected* Phone is docked* Low batteryCNet how-to has an intro here're always looking for beta testers and more technical details will be posted on this XDAthread: detection uses low power detection (Wi-Fi, mobilebased), which uses very little power, but suffers in accuracy. Ifyou want to use location detection - pick a large radius (zoom outthe map and click again). If you disable Wi-Fi - accuracy will below, compensate with a larger radius. We use native geofencing onNexus 4, 5 phones for the best battery efficiency and accuracypossible.Permissions:* Root permission is required for GPS, Airplane mode, andterminating apps.* Internet: Needed for importing tasks, browsing the task market,and loading maps to the location condition editor. Use a firewallapp to deny internet access if you don't want these and don't trustus.* SMS: Needed to send out messages (sms write+sms send) and forwardthem (sms read+sms receive).* Contacts: Needed read contacts in the UI, in call silencing andsms forwarding.* Calendar: Needed for the calendar condition.* Tracking: There are no ads or any 3rd party tracking at all, ourstatistics are disabled by default.* Privacy: If you share a task - it is uploaded to our servers.This is a project in parallel/distributed programming by: MichalRomano and Anton Wolkov for the Technion ITT computer sciencedept.Tags: Tasker, onx, on{x}, Actions Pro, AutomateIt, Llama –Location Profiles, Chronos, Profile, RFRSH – Refresh, Locale,Secure Settings, Smart Places, EasyProfiles, Makros, Agent,Trigger, Impel - Automatic Tasks, Geo Tasker.